Add to Calendar 2021-05-11 21:00:00 2021-05-11 23:00:00 CINEMANDO: O MAR É A TERRA. THE SEA IS THE LAND 3 - short films THE SEA IS THE LAND. O MAR É A TERRA. Session 3. In collaboration with the Escola Superior de Artes e Design, the PT semester proudly presents this series of short films produced by students of ESAD: the sea is the land. <The authors will be present and happy to respond to your questions.> "The Sea is the Earth is the name we found for this programme that celebrates the culture and the art made in Portugal, at Escola Superior de Artes e Design das Caldas da Rainha, of Politécnico de Leiria, during the semester of the Portuguese presidency of the European Union. If we speak of Sea, in the month of the New European Bauhaus conference, we necessarily speak of the Earth we don't inhabit alone. Let's imagine that the Sea was really out of sight, that the maritime horizon was forever, sustained by our explorer's, navigator's, artist's or visionary's look, or another one than that of a surveyor - the sea didn't end and the Earth was Sea. Such an Earth, for the surveyor, would be flat and, as in Edwin Abott's Flatland, or E. M. Forster’s The Machine Stops, would require exploration. This programme brings many seas, with many horizons and even no horizons. The Earth is not flat, it is a blue thing in space that we care about, it is liquid on the outside - and on the inside? The Earth is also dirt, leftover from magma, transformed into stone, mud, Sea and life. This programme is about transformations from young students into adult students, with a look at life on Earth and a very serious concern for the present and for life in the future. Final note: we love surveyors, but understand that in this context it is a fitting metaphor." the impossible limits of islands of light - session 3 Seed, Mariana Neves, 2019 A goddess that "is all of us" crosses the landscape and transforms it in our gaze. This film embeds us into the landscape of life on Earth, human and living in as many scales and forms as we find in everything we can call life. A film populated by lifelines, outside of time - without beginning and without end - and within the durations of the female body in history. It deals with the humidity, the mud, the watery matter of creation and what remains after the passing of a humanity.       Contrafogo, Carolina Vieira, 2020 Let us imagine that we are spectators in the room where Butades' daughter draws the outline of her beloved before leaving for war, as described by Pliny the Elder in Natural History. We are, with Butades' family, witnessing the invention of the drawing that fixes a silhouette, a shadow projected onto a wall. Let us imagine the past year and its possibilities, in the context of the pandemic and the rediscovery of the power of imagination. The image remains. A powerful film. A bird hovering through the dancing tress, Irina Oliveira, 2020 A film dedicated to all dreamers. Life during a suspended time seems as we imagine it. The duration of light landing on things, and the sound of things reverberating in our mind.  ~*~*~ Sessão 3 – os limites impossíveis das ilhas de luz Semente, Mariana Neves, 2019 Uma deusa que “somos todos nós” atravessa a paisagem e transforma-a no nosso olhar. Este filme integra-nos na paisagem da vida na Terra, humanos e vivos em tantas escalas e formas quantas as que encontramos em tudo o que podemos chamar vida. Filme povoado por linhas de vida, fora do tempo – sem início e sem fim – e dentro das durações do corpo feminino na história, debruça-se sobre a humidade, o lodo, a matéria aquosa da criação e o que fica depois da passagem de uma humanidade. Contrafogo, Carolina Vieira, 2020 Imaginemos que somos espetadores no quarto onde a filha de Butades desenha o contorno do seu amado antes de partir para a guerra, conforme descrito por Plínio, o Velho, na História Natural. Estamos, com a família de Butades, a assistir à invenção do desenho que fixa uma silhueta, uma sombra projetada numa parede. Imaginemos o ano passado e as suas possibilidades, no contexto da pandemia e da redescoberta do poder da imaginação, e que somos uma parte da vida de Carolina Vieira. A imagem fica. Um filme poderoso. Semear, ouvir, fluir, Irina Oliveira, 2020 Um filme dedicado a todos os sonhadores. A vida durante um tempo suspenso parece como a imaginamos. A duração da luz a poisar nas coisas, e o som das coisas a reverberar na nossa mente.   Online. Zoom. PT-Semester 2021 Europe/Rome public
Online. Zoom.
O Mar é a terra. poster


In collaboration with the Escola Superior de Artes e Design, the PT semester proudly presents this series of short films produced by students of ESAD: the sea is the land.

<The authors will be present and happy to respond to your questions.>

"The Sea is the Earth is the name we found for this programme that celebrates the culture and the art made in Portugal, at Escola Superior de Artes e Design das Caldas da Rainha, of Politécnico de Leiria, during the semester of the Portuguese presidency of the European Union.

If we speak of Sea, in the month of the New European Bauhaus conference, we necessarily speak of the Earth we don't inhabit alone.

Let's imagine that the Sea was really out of sight, that the maritime horizon was forever, sustained by our explorer's, navigator's, artist's or visionary's look, or another one than that of a surveyor - the sea didn't end and the Earth was Sea. Such an Earth, for the surveyor, would be flat and, as in Edwin Abott's Flatland, or E. M. Forster’s The Machine Stops, would require exploration. This programme brings many seas, with many horizons and even no horizons. The Earth is not flat, it is a blue thing in space that we care about, it is liquid on the outside - and on the inside?

The Earth is also dirt, leftover from magma, transformed into stone, mud, Sea and life.

This programme is about transformations from young students into adult students, with a look at life on Earth and a very serious concern for the present and for life in the future.

Final note: we love surveyors, but understand that in this context it is a fitting metaphor."

the impossible limits of islands of light - session 3

Seed, Mariana Neves, 2019

A goddess that "is all of us" crosses the landscape and transforms it in our gaze. This film embeds us into the landscape of life on Earth, human and living in as many scales and forms as we find in everything we can call life. A film populated by lifelines, outside of time - without beginning and without end - and within the durations of the female body in history. It deals with the humidity, the mud, the watery matter of creation and what remains after the passing of a humanity.      

Contrafogo, Carolina Vieira, 2020

Let us imagine that we are spectators in the room where Butades' daughter draws the outline of her beloved before leaving for war, as described by Pliny the Elder in Natural History. We are, with Butades' family, witnessing the invention of the drawing that fixes a silhouette, a shadow projected onto a wall. Let us imagine the past year and its possibilities, in the context of the pandemic and the rediscovery of the power of imagination. The image remains. A powerful film.

A bird hovering through the dancing tress, Irina Oliveira, 2020

A film dedicated to all dreamers. Life during a suspended time seems as we imagine it. The duration of light landing on things, and the sound of things reverberating in our mind.


Sessão 3 – os limites impossíveis das ilhas de luz

Semente, Mariana Neves, 2019

Uma deusa que “somos todos nós” atravessa a paisagem e transforma-a no nosso olhar. Este filme integra-nos na paisagem da vida na Terra, humanos e vivos em tantas escalas e formas quantas as que encontramos em tudo o que podemos chamar vida. Filme povoado por linhas de vida, fora do tempo – sem início e sem fim – e dentro das durações do corpo feminino na história, debruça-se sobre a humidade, o lodo, a matéria aquosa da criação e o que fica depois da passagem de uma humanidade.

Contrafogo, Carolina Vieira, 2020

Imaginemos que somos espetadores no quarto onde a filha de Butades desenha o contorno do seu amado antes de partir para a guerra, conforme descrito por Plínio, o Velho, na História Natural. Estamos, com a família de Butades, a assistir à invenção do desenho que fixa uma silhueta, uma sombra projetada numa parede. Imaginemos o ano passado e as suas possibilidades, no contexto da pandemia e da redescoberta do poder da imaginação, e que somos uma parte da vida de Carolina Vieira. A imagem fica. Um filme poderoso.

Semear, ouvir, fluir, Irina Oliveira, 2020

Um filme dedicado a todos os sonhadores. A vida durante um tempo suspenso parece como a imaginamos. A duração da luz a poisar nas coisas, e o som das coisas a reverberar na nossa mente.