Portuguese roosters looking for a new home in Italy


Portuguese roosters left their hometown in Barcelos and are now looking for a new home close to Lake Maggiore in Italy. It seems some of them don’t mind moving also to other JRC sites.

The Portuguese rooster known as the ´Galo de Barcelos´ is one of the most recognisable and famous Portuguese symbols. There is a legend behind it that goes back to the 15th Century.

This is why we have decided to bring you some 'good luck' by proposing anyone to buy from us not the usual traditional ceramic rooster but a handmade plush version of the 'Galo de Barcelos', as shown in the picture, for €8.50.

Note that numbers are limited to less than 100 as some of these cute roosters have already found a home upon their arrival.

If you would like to give them a home too just reach out to us at JRC-SEMESTRE-PT@ec.europa.eu with the subject 'Galo de Barcelos'.

As we cannot currently sell them during particular events or at any specific location, you may order and pick up directly from a 'to be agreed' physical distribution point in Ispra, or we will find a way to deliver it to you in case you are located in other JRC sites.

The Legend of the Rooster of Barcelos

The inhabitants of Barcelos were very disturbed by a crime who’s author had not been discovered. One day a man from Galicia, who was suspected of having committed the crime, passed by Barcelos and was arrested. Ignoring his claims of innocence (he said he was on his way to Santiago de Compostela to fulfill a vow), as nobody believed him, he was condemned to be hanged.

Before he was executed, he asked to be taken to the presence of the judge, who was dining with some friends, and once again protested his innocence and nobody believed him. And then he pointed to a roast chicken on the table and exclaimed: "As surely as I am innocent will that rooster crow if I am hanged."

And what seemed impossible actually happened. When the pilgrim was being hanged, the rooster stood up on the table and crowed. The judged rushed to the gallows and he saw that the knot of the rope around his neck was caught and thus prevented him of being strangled. He was released and sent on his way in peace.

Years later, he returned to the town and built the monument to São Tiago and to the Virgin.

Source: https://www.visitportugal.com/en/node/139480
Image credits: EP